语言的本质是正确地利用冗余的信息。不会说“废话”其实是不会说话。“简洁精练 ,言简意丰”不是最高明的智慧语言。应该摆脱用书面语规范口头语言的藩篱。当今广播电视媒介的语言应用更需要适度的冗余 ,它是修辞手段 ,更是有效传播的保证。“废话”的意义在于“没有什么意义”之外的“意义”。适度地淡化话语主流意义负载的所谓“废话” ,可以成为节目的内容或资源 ,也可以是节目创作的“同构策略”。冗余和“废话”有不同的语用层次 ,也是一种语言的艺术。
The essence of language is the correct use of redundant information. Can not say “nonsense” is actually can not speak. “Concise and concise, concise abundance” is not the cleverest language of wisdom. The barriers to using written language to regulate spoken language should be removed. Nowadays, the language application of radio and television media needs more moderate redundancy. It is a rhetorical device, and it is a guarantee of effective communication. The meaning of “nonsense” lies in the meaning of “no meaning”. The so-called “nonsense” modestly desalting the mainstream meaning load of the discourse can be the content or resource of the program or the “isomorphic strategy” of program creation. Redundancy and “nonsense” have different pragmatic levels, but also a language of art.