我国一贯重视卫生工作,但长期局限于狭义卫生,缺乏全社会大卫生的概念。1988年上海30万人的甲型肝炎(甲肝)流行,经过系统调查,确定为一次由生食带甲肝病毒毛蚶引起的暴发流行。通过长期禁食毛蚶、接种甲肝疫苗后,甲肝发病率已降到1/10万以下的水平。甲肝防治和毛蚶控制与环保、水产、商业、卫生、防疫、食品安全等各个行业有关,上海在甲肝疫情控制中实施了“大卫生”。上海市通过重视“大卫生”,加强了公共卫生体系的建设,提高了市民卫生意识,促进了全社会的卫生水平。“,”China has consistently attached importance to health work .However , this health work has been limited to the health work in a narrow sense for long and people lack a sense of the public health at large for the whole society .In 1988 , Hepatitis A broke out and brought disaster to 300 thousand people in Shanghai .After completing systematic investigations , it was ascertained that this outbreak arose from eating raw clams contaminated by Hepatitis A virus .After prohibiting eating clams and implementing Hepatitis A vaccination over a long period , the incidence rate of Hepatitis A has been reduced to below 1/100 000 . The prevention and treatment of Hepatitis A and the control of clams are related to the environment control , aquaculture, commerce, sanitation, epidemic prevention, food safety and other related industries .In the course of controlling the outbreak of Hepatitis A , Shanghai managed to implement the “public health at large”. By attaching importance to the “public health at large”, Shanghai has strengthened the construction of its public health system , improved citizens ’ sense of health and promoted the health level for the whole society .