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提起历史,学生有“谈史色变”之感,认为那些陈芝麻、烂谷子的事,没有什么“好玩的”;更何况那些眼花缭乱的年代、人名、地名,记起来“难于上青天”。而现在不少历史教师强调学生死记硬背,通过“默写”的方式来强迫学生学习,加之老师为了证明书本结论而特意选择出来的贴标签式的零星史料几乎不需要学生花时间去辨析和探究,这自然提不起学生学史的兴趣,更别说论提高学生对历史的理解能力。如何让学生感受历史的生动,对历史“情有独钟”?体悟历史的智慧?我想,“以史料为依据,以证据为准绳”是一个不错的“阀门”。 When we talk about history, students have a feeling of “talking about the history of history,” and think that those things like Chen Sesui and Lai Guzi have nothing to do with “interesting”; not to mention those dazzling ages, names, and place names, remember them.” It’s hard to go to the sky.“ Now many history teachers emphasize that students rote memorize and force students to learn by “writing”, and the tagged sporadic historical materials deliberately selected by teachers for the purpose of proving the book’s conclusions almost do not require students to spend time to discern and analyze. Inquiry, this naturally can not afford students interest in learning history, let alone improve students’ understanding of history. How do you let students experience the vividness of history, the history of ”sincerity“ and the wisdom of understanding the history? I think, ”according to historical sources, based on evidence,“ is a good ”valve".
试验表明:70%苄嘧·苯噻酰WP是目前防除水稻移栽田中一年生杂草十分优秀的除草剂,施药后45 d,用70%苄嘧·苯噻酰WP 900 g/hm2对一年生杂草的总株防效达86.79%,对一年生杂草的
研究了48%甲基磺草酮·莠去津SC防除夏玉米田禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草的使用技术。结果表明,48%甲基磺草酮·莠去津SC防除夏玉米田杂草的适宜用药量以1 650~1 800 g/hm2(ai.792~
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