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十七世纪,石涛来到扬州居住,开启了扬州十八世纪近一百年的辉煌,扬州绘画也就成为中国十八世纪绘画的代表,并间接、直接影响了其他周边地区绘画的发展,如『京江画派』『海上画派』的兴起,即与它有着颇为密切的关系。扬州紧邻镇江,早在十七世纪与『扬州画派』同时,甚至明代的中期,就已经再次显露出绘画创造的锋芒了,镇江地区自六朝以来创造的绘画传统开始进一步复兴。『扬州画派』衰退不久,于十八世纪末期、十九世纪上半叶这段时间内,镇江绘画的创作进入了高峰时期,一个新的绘画流派『京江画派』也悄然兴起。『闵江画派』 In the seventeenth century, Shi Tao came to live in Yangzhou and started the nearly 100-year splendor of Yangzhou in the 18th century. Yangzhou painting became the representative of Chinese painting in the 18th century and directly affected the development of painting in other surrounding areas. The rise of “Jingjiang Painting School” and “Sea Painting School” means that it has a close relationship with it. Yangzhou was close to Zhenjiang. As early as the 17th and the “Yangzhou School of Painting,” even the mid-Ming dynasty had once again shown the edge of painting creation. The painting tradition in Zhenjiang since the Six Dynasties started to revive further. Soon after the “Yangzhou Painting School” dwindled into recession, the painting of Zhenjiang entered its peak during the late eighteenth and early first half of the nineteenth century. A new school of painting “the Jingjiang School of Painting” was also quietly emerging. Minjiang School
指导者 哈尔滨市双城区教师进修学校rn刘正生rn绘本阅读意义:绘本是指以手绘图画来讲故事的儿童读物.绘本以画为主,字少而画面丰富,以画传达故事情节,很符合儿童早期阅读的特