1940年 1 1月 4日 ,毛泽东在致新四军各战略区领导人的电文中指出 :“陈毅对两李 (指国民党鲁苏皖边游击军正副总指挥李明扬、李长江——引者注 )及陈泰运等之统战工作有丰富宝贵之经验 ,望大家加以详细研究 ,加以发扬 ,广泛运用 ,以期各部分均能得到争取友军工作之最大成绩。”同年 1 1月 1 8日 ,毛泽东将陈毅关于苏北统战工作报告批转中央驻各地办事处和各战略区负责人 ,指出 :“中央及军委完全同意陈毅同志的统战方针及统战工作。为使各部队团以上干部深切研究统战策略 ,破除其狭隘而不开展 ,顾小利而忘大利 ,逞英雄而少办法的观点 ,特将陈毅报告转告你们 ,作具体教育材料。”毛泽东为什么如此盛赞陈毅在苏北的统战工作呢 ?因为陈毅以无产阶级革命家的战略眼光 ,过人的胆略 ,擒纵自如的灵活策略 ,演绎出统一战线工作史上一页页瑰丽的篇章。本刊推出的这个系列 ,就是向广大读者讲述陈毅在苏北搞统战工作的一些动人故事。
On January 4, 1940, Mao Zedong pointed out in an electronic message to the leaders of all strategic areas in the New Fourth Army that “Chen Yi has repeatedly criticized both Li and Li (referring to Li Mingyang and Li Changjiang, both deputy commanders of the Guerrilla Guerrilla Army of Guam) and Chen Taiyun In the same year, on January 18 January 18, Mao Zedong put Chen Yi’s advice on the work of the Soviet Union in northern Jiangsu The report of the United Front Work Forwarding to the Central Government Offices in all localities and heads of strategic areas pointed out: ”The Central Military Commission and the Central Military Commission completely agree with Comrade Chen Yi’s principle of united front work and the united front work. In order to enable the cadres above the regiment level and above to study the strategy of United Front, Not carry out, Gu Xiaoli and forget Italy, heroic and less approach point of view, specially Chen Yi report to you, for specific educational materials. "Why Mao Zedong so praised Chen Yi’s work in the united front of Northern Jiangsu? Chen Yi as a proletarian revolutionary strategy Vision, extraordinary courage, escapement flexible tactics, interpretation of the United Front of the history of a page magnificent chapter . The publication of this series, is to tell the majority of readers Chen Yi in North Jiangsu united front work some touching story.