我县是以蒙古族为主体,汉族为多数,同时有满、回、朝、锡伯等多民族地区。大部分以农牧业为主。现将我院1984年3月至1986年1月80例住院眼外伤统计分析如下: (一)一般资料:80例眼外伤占同期眼科住院患者193例的41.45%;其中男66例82.5%,女14例17.5%。年龄最小者2岁,最大74岁;发生率以青年组(16—30岁,34例占42.5%)为最高,儿童组(15岁以下,
My county is mainly composed of Mongolian, Han majority, at the same time full, back, North Korea, Xibe and other multi-ethnic areas. Mostly dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry. Now in our hospital from March 1984 to January 1986, 80 cases of hospitalized eyes were analyzed as follows: (a) general information: 80 cases of ocular trauma accounted for 41.45% of 193 cases of ophthalmic inpatients over the same period; of which 66 cases were 82.5% Female 14 cases 17.5%. The youngest was 2 years old and the oldest was 74 years old. The incidence was highest in youth group (16-30 years old, 34 cases accounted for 42.5%), children group (under 15 years old,