2005年1月14日,北国冰城哈尔滨白雪皑皑、 银装素裹,而坐落在市中心的五星级酒店华融饭店内 则披上了节日的盛装。在一派红火的气氛中,来自全 国各地的200多名开利经销商代表齐聚于此,参加 2005年开利全国经销商大会,共同回顾开利在过去 一年里的辉煌业绩,展望美好而充满希望的新一年。 开利中国负责销售及分销网络副总裁、上海四家 开利空调合资企业的董事等开利高级管理层出席了
January 14, 2005, the northern ice city of Harbin, snow-capped, silver-clad, and located in the city center of the five-star hotel Huarong Hotel is put on the holiday dress. In the booming atmosphere, representatives from more than 200 Carrier dealers across the country gathered here to participate in 2005 Carrier National Dealers Conference to review the Carrier’s brilliant performance in the past year, a bright future Hopeful new year. Carrier’s senior vice president of sales and distribution network, Carrier’s Shanghai Four Carrier Air Conditioning joint ventures, etc. attended the senior management of Carrier