
来源 :抗日战争研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hackxingxing
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与应付 2 0世纪中的若干重大事件相似 ,抗战时期 ,英美在对待废除对华不平等条约问题上同样保持着协调的姿态。他们同时向中方作出展开谈判的提议 ,并提出了相差无几的条约草案 ,最后又在同一时间与中国签订了原则和措辞大体相同的新约 ,给世人以英美一体的感觉。本文通过对英美间往来电文的分析 ,指出英美确在总体上力求协调 ,并在全局上保持了同一步调 ,但他们之间又存在着很大的差异。在沿海贸易与内河航行权、经营商业的国民待遇及购置不动产等问题上 ,英美都存在着分歧。中美谈判的顺利进行在一定程度上对英国形成了压力 ,推动了中英谈判的进展。对此 ,英国颇多怨言。英美之间分歧的产生 ,其原因不只在于英美在华经济利益或英美国内体制上的差别 ,更深层的原因是 ,英美对于战后世界的勾画 ,对于中国角色的期待和定位都有着相当不同的认识。美国已经策划在一个新世界中充当领导角色 ,而英国则仍然怀念着一个已注定无法回复的旧世界。战时英美在对华政策上所呈现出的种种差异 ,其根源也在于此 Similar to the major events of the 20th century, during the war of resistance against Japan, Britain and the United States also maintained a coordinated stance on the issue of abolishing the unequal treaties on China. At the same time, they made proposals to China for negotiations and proposed similar draft treaties. At the same time, they signed a new treaty of roughly the same principle and wording as China at the same time and gave the people an Anglo-American feeling. Through the analysis of the messages between Britain and the United States, this article points out that the United States and Britain do strive for coordination on the whole and keep the same pace in the overall situation. However, there are still great differences between them. There are differences between the United Kingdom and the United States on such issues as the right of coastal trade and river trading, the national treatment of business operations and the acquisition of real estate. The smooth progress of Sino-U.S. Negotiations has, to some extent, put pressure on Britain and pushed forward the progress of the Sino-British negotiations. In response, many complaints in Britain. The reason for the divergence between Britain and the United States lies not only in the economic interests of Anglo-American countries in China, but also in the differences between the Anglo-American system in China. The deeper reason is that Anglo-American outline of the post-war world has quite different expectations and positions for Chinese characters understanding. The United States has been planning to assume a leading role in a new world, while Britain still remembers an old world that has been doomed to fail to respond. The root causes of the differences between the Anglo-Saxon policy toward China during the war are also found here
王世襄rn王世襄,号畅安,文物鉴赏家、收藏家,也是北京的“老玩家”,1914年5月出生于北京书香世家,祖籍福州.rn王世襄 1941年毕业于燕京大学研究院,获硕士学位.1943年任中国营