Ⅰ.INTRDUCTION 引言 1.在1987年3月4日的会议上,关贸总协定理事会决定成立“中国工作组”审议中华人民共和国政府提出恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位的申请(该申请于1986年7月10日提出)并向理事会递交包括中国缔约国地位的议定书草案的建议书。1995年12月7日,中国政府根据世界贸易组织协定(《WTO协定》)第12条的规定提出了申请加入《建立世界贸易组织的马拉喀什协定》(《WTO协定》)。基于中国的申请及根据总理事会1995年1月31日的决定,原任的恢复中国关贸总
Ⅰ.INTRDUCTION INTRODUCTION 1. At a meeting on March 4, 1987, the GATT Council decided to set up a “China Working Group” to consider an application by the government of the People’s Republic of China for resuming the status of a signatory to the GATT (application 1986 Proposed on July 10, 1997) and submits to the Council a proposal for a draft protocol that includes the status of a Chinese State Party. On December 7, 1995, the Chinese government submitted an application for joining the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement). Based on China’s application and based on the decision of the General Council on January 31, 1995, the original restoration of China’s GATT