Li Guoqiang published an article in the sixth issue of “Higher Education Research” that the emergence and existence of loans to colleges and universities in our country is a necessary and reasonable historical choice. Colleges and universities to bank loans, the root cause lies in the lack of funds for the development and construction of colleges and universities. In a long period of time to come, if the lack of funds for the construction of colleges and universities can not be effectively alleviated, bank loans will continue to be an important source of funding for the development of Chinese universities. We must not negate the university loans because of the current college loan repayment crisis, thus denying the positive value of university loans. On the contrary, we now need to seriously review and reflect on the following two issues: First, if the country’s foreign-funded loans and technology development loans management system is relatively complete, Is to ensure that colleges and universities to standardize the operation of loans to ensure that the system of loans to colleges and universities before 2004, “a policy without a specific management system,” the situation should be caused by the loan repayment college one of the important reasons. This “policy without system ” should be the situation