
来源 :初中生必读 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XSDCL
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告别昨日的懵懂无知,面对今天青春洋溢的自己,我更多了一份充实和自信。毫不隐瞒地告诉大家,我喜欢现在的自己,这绝对不是自恋,而是缘于学校和老师给予我的全新改变,让我更加自信、稳重。进入中心学校之前,我还是一名少不经事的小学生。由于在家是独生子,爸妈特别宠我、爱我,以致我养成了自私、蛮 Saying goodbye to yesterday’s ignorance and ignorance, in the face of today’s youthful self, I have more fullness and self-confidence. I have no secret to tell you that I like the present myself. This is definitely not narcissism. It is due to the new changes made by the school and the teachers. It makes me more confident and stable. Before entering the Central School, I was a primary school student. Since I was the only child at home, my parents loved me and loved me so much that I developed selfishness.
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2013年1月18日 晴  寒假里,我整理书柜,看到一个蓝皮塑料本,拿起一看,是我中学时代的毕业纪念册。打开,一行发黄的字映入我的眼帘:谨以此册留下美好的回忆。此时,我的感情如潮水般涌来,薄薄的小册子,有同学的深情话语,有老师的谆谆教诲,有我学生时代的梦想……读着里面的话,有如在我的心里闪烁着明亮的星星,越来越亮。她的蕴藉是多么丰富,这里写出了昨晚的清风和明晨的霞光,写出了往昔彼此的真挚友情,写出
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