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著名教育家夏丏尊先生说过:“教育不能没有情感,没有爱,就如同池塘不能没有水一样,没有水,就不能为池塘,没有情感就没有教育。”作为一名幼儿教师,必须对孩子具有足够的耐心和爱心,这样的话语说起来容易,做起来就不那么简单了,在日常生活中,你必须了解班里的每一个孩子的兴趣、爱好、家庭状况,从自身的点滴行为做起去爱他们,耐心地倾听他们童稚的语言,奇妙的想法,只有让孩子感受到了我们的爱,才会让他们爱上幼儿园、 The famous educator Xia Zunzun said: “Education can not have no emotion, no love, just as the pond can not be without water, no water, it can not be a pond, there is no emotion without education.” "As a kindergarten teacher, must be Children have enough patience and love, such words easier said than done, in everyday life, you must understand each class interest, hobbies, family status, from their own bit by bit Love to start and listen to them, patiently listen to their childlike language, fantastic ideas, only let the children feel our love, will let them fall in love with kindergarten,
陈奇军:工作之余,您是否经常参加一些户外活动?  盛发强:我是做户外用品的,所以经常参加户外活动,这些多少都与自己的工作有些结合,不过我的主要目的还是休闲。  陈奇军:是什么原因让您如此关注野生动物保护工作?  盛发强:对于人类来说,任何动物都是宝贵的资源。我们保护生物的多样性,实际上也是为了人类自己。各物种经过亿万年的进化,都具有自己独特的基因,我们现在并不了解绝大多数基因的价值和作用,但是我们