The title compound C18H37O20NCeCl3, Mr = 834. 25, orthorhom-bic, P212121, a = 11.836(4), b = 13.899(6), c= 19. 401(6) A ; V=3192(2)A3; Z = 4; Dc=1. 74gcm-3, F (000) = 1684,μ= 17. 8cm-1 (MoKa). The final R = 0. 080, Rw = 0. 081. The Ce(Ⅲ) ion is coordinated to one O atom of one C1O4- ion, a CH3CN molecule, a water molecule and seven O atoms from a crown ether molecule. The other two C1O4- ions are not coordinated to the metal. The bond lengths of Ce-N(CH3CN), Ce -O(ClO4-), Ce -O(H2O) and Ce-O(crown) are 2. 61,2. 82,2. 53, and 2. 56A, respectively.
The title compound C18H37O20NCeCl3, Mr = 834.25, orthorhom-bic, P212121, a = 11.836 (4), b = 13.899 (6), c = = 4, Dc = 1.74gcm-3, F (000) = 1684, μ = 17. 8cm-1 (MoKa). The final R = 0.080, Rw = 0. 081. The Ce (III) ion is coordinated to one O atom of one C1O4- ion, a CH3CN molecule, a water molecule and seven O atoms from a crown ether molecule. The other two C1O4- ions are not coordinated to the metal. The bond lengths of Ce-N (CH3CN CeO (ClO4-), Ce-O (H2O) and Ce-O (crown) are 2. 61,2. 82,2. 53, and 2. 56A, respectively.