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  摘 要:話轮转换被逐渐认为是研究戏剧和电影对白的一种热门方法。本文以反映美国资本化社会的世界名著《推销员之死》的电影对白为研究对象,旨在通过科学和逻辑性的研究揭示推销员的死因来证明话轮转换分析在文学作品中的解释力。
  Abstract: Turn-taking analysis tends to be considered as a popular method to study the drama and movie dialogue. Death of a Salesman is one of the world famous literary works; it represents the capitalized society in the American. This paper aims at proving the explanatory force of turn-taking in the literary work by giving a scientific and logic analysis to reveal the reason of the protagonist in movie version of Death of a Salesman.
  Key words: Turn-taking analysis; power; character
  1 Introduction
  The previous research on the literary works tends to study the characters and plot by analyzing the background of the story or the whole text, such as close-reading method in European-American Literature Criticism. It is not widely to find the research on the characters in the literary work from the theories in pragmatics, especially, to give the scientific and logic demonstration by listing some analytical data. This paper attempts to analyze the utterance and discourse through some dialogues from the Death of a Salesman. This will certainly find a new way to study the character and give the explanation on the reason of the death of this pity person in the writing of Arthur Miller. Turn-taking analysis focuses on the turn of the dialogue between the speaker and the listener, this analysis could represent the relationship between the two speakers.Who leads the topic in the conversation? Who utters the most part of the time? Who puts up a new topic? Who gets used to keep silent? All this questions account for the explanation of turn-taking analysis, and this paper will give further study on this theory and analyze the conversation in details. From this point, the dialogue between Willey Norman and his boss Howard can give the readers the answer for the death of the American Dream seeker.
  2 The Methodology of Turn-taking Analysis
  2.1 The initiation and control of the topics
  The topic is the content of the conversation, in a simple word; topic is the theme of what we are talking about. The choice and the leading of the topic play an important role in the development of the whole conversation. If the speaker intends to join the topic, he or she will adopt certain conversational strategies to show his interests on it, the opposite situation is the same, if the speaker is unwilling to continue the conversation, he or she will not initiate the topic actively. The person who is in the higher position tends to get more chance and right to initiate the topic, even to control it.   2.2 Turn length
  Some scholars hold that the turn length shall be the extension time of the conversation, however, it is too hard to count accurately how much time a given conversation costs. Time-counting method is lacking of the scientific support. The popular method to measure the length of the turn in the dialogue is to count the number of the word uttered by the speakers. As exemplified, here is a conversation between a strict mother and her son:
  Mother: Have you finish your homework?
  Son: No.
  It is obvious to give the conclusion that the mother has the absolute power from this conversation, because the number of the word of the mother sums up to 11, however, her son only give a one-word reply “No”.
  2.3 Turn-type
  In Sack’s opinion, the turn-type can be divided into the initiative turns and the responsive turns. However, for the complex situation in the real life, there are so many examples to violate this division. Since sometimes after the speaker gives an utterance, another participant tends to keep silent or talk the things having nothing to the topic of the speaker instead of following some conversational principles. This kind of situation can not be concluded as the initiative turn or the responsive turns. (Li ying 2006:79)
  2.4 Interruption and monologue
  From the above statement, the interruption and monologue can be considered as the special division of the turn-type. In a given conversation, one initiates a topic, for the reason of unwilling to cooperate with the initiative speaker, another one will interrupt the topic to suddenly change the topic or to speak no word or to talk anything he or she wants but not related to the whole topic. These kinds of situations can be noted as the interruption and monologue. In the literature work, especially, the drama includes a lot of intentional interruption and monologue to display the dramatic effect. This will be proved in the following analysis in details.
  2.5Turn-control strategies
  According to the turn allocation rule of Sacks, the participant in the conversation will adopt certain strategies to control the topic or choose someone to speak. In this paper, we hold that there are two types of the turn-control strategies: initiation of the next turn and termination of the turn.
  3 Analysis on the conversation
  Death of a Salesman is the work of a famous American writer Auther Miller. It tells a story that a traveling service salesman tries his best effort to fulfill his American Dream, but fails at last. The salesman experiences every kinds of the unfair treatment in the cruelly real life. This paper will analyze the dialogue between the protagonist Willey and his boss Howard to find the reason causing the death of the salesman. However, the purpose is not only to analyze the reason but also to apply the above the theories.   This part of the dialogue happens in the background that Willey wants to ask for a job in the office from his boss, however, he is refused by Howard. This the critical reason of the protagonist who was full of ambition and dreams steps into the desperation leading to his death. How does the conversation play such a strong effect on the heart of him? How does Howard push the poor man to the fire by using the power to disdain the self-esteem of the salesman? There are 66 turns in the conversation between Willey and Howard, among the total number of the turns, Willey accounts for 33 turns and Howard also accounts for 33.
  Willy says: “Like to have a little talk with you, Howard”, however, his boss Howard just plays his radio but not gives the direct reply for his topic. The following dialogue excerpted from the movie script of the Death of a Salesman.
  Willy: I m definitely going to get one (the wire recorder) .Because lots of time I’ m on the road, and I think to myself, what I must be missing on the radio!
  Howard: Don’t you have a radio in the car?
  Willy: Well, yeah, but who ever think of turning it on?
  Howard: Say, aren’t you supposed to be in Boston?
  Willy: That s what I want to talk to you about, Howard. You got a minute?
  Howard: What happened? What are you doing here? (Li donghua 2001:30)
  Willey initiate the topic of changing the job from the car to the office, but Willy uses 3 turns in talking about the radio among the whole 4 turns. This can be considered as a kind of turn-taking strategies: using the limitation of the next turn to restrict the topic not to change to the job.
  Willey tried to interrupt this topic to express his intention for 4 times, which has been all turned a deaf ear by Howard. Howard was always talking about the matter of radio like no ones watching. Unexpectedly, this topic is irrelevant to subject brought more than 40 turns. After a long time of talking about the radio he finally awakened as if he were just from a dream to pay attention to Willey Howard and asked: “Say, aren’t’ t you supposed to be in Boston?” , and then 3 more questions consecutively were asked without leaving time for Willey’s answer which stressed Howard’s arrogant attitude.
  Turn-taking occurs in every kinds of conversation, the methodology of turn-taking analysis create a novel way to study certain literature work through the conversation analysis.
  This present paper not only briefly explains the theory framework of the turn-taking analysis, but also applies this method in analyzing the characters in the movie script of the Death of a Salesman. From the study of the conversation, we find the relationship between the protagonists, especially, the power relation. This quantitative analysis represents how the cold-blood boss Howard turns a blind eye to the difficulty of Willey. His indifference and his arrogant attitude are all the reason that leads to the death of the salesman. The analysis gives us the clear explanation of the reason through the conversation between them. The turn-taking analysis creates the scientific way of doing the literary study, which is the most critical purpose of this paper.
  [3]杨雪燕.话语分析与戏剧语言文体学[J].外语教学与研究,1991 (2):45-48.
【摘要】随着科技的进步,我国电力行业取得了较快的发展,自动化控制在电力系统的应用更加成熟。将自动化控制应用到低压配电系统,可以提升配自动化水平,,提高供电效率和可靠性,更好的满足社会用电需求。  【关键词】自动化控制;低压配电系统;应用  引言  中国大多数现代输电系统采用低压配电来提供电力传输,可以满足用户对电力和能源的使用需求,监测整体能源供应情况,并在实施期间建立一个非常全面的自动能源管理系
【摘要】为实现配电网电能质量的快速分析,开展对电能质量分析方法设计研究。提出一种基于物联网智能终端及其系统的电能质量分析方法。通过发电侧与用电侧电能质量参数测量、基于物联网智能终端及其系统的事件记录分析以及电能质量广域网云端在线分析。通过与传统方法对比得出,该分析方法具有平均用时更短,更满足配电网对电能质量结果传输延迟时间在200ms以内的需求,为配电网稳定运行提供技术支持。  【关键词】物联网;
【摘要】减少阀门内漏量是电厂重要的节能减耗手段.对阀门内漏在线监测及其经济性分析研究,采用基于傳热学原理的方法计算阀门内漏量,等效焓降法计算内漏量对于机组经济性影响.对某一电厂300 MW机组阀门的内漏量进行监测,结果表明:该系统能定量计算阀门内漏量和对电厂煤耗的影响,具有非接触、在线、实时测量等优势,可以为电厂运行人员提供阀门检修、检漏的依据和参考.  【关键词】阀门内漏量;传热原理;等效焓降法
【摘要】油田地面设施及设备的承压阀门因磨损、腐蚀或其他原因已出现内漏。应用声发射技术对阀门(如掺水阀、气阀组旁通阀)进行严密性检测,可保证安全生产和能耗控制的准确性;对老区改造中更换的阀门进行检测,可为立项决策提供依据,并能降低改造费用。超声波检测技术可以实现阀门的在线检测,操作简单,动态快速,数据直观。目前该检测设备只能定性确定阀门内是否存在泄漏。  油田地面设施及设备的承压阀门因磨损、腐蚀或其
【摘要】在社会形态发展逐渐多元的情况下,电力行业的发展也得到比较完善的改变。传统变电检修具有的可靠性无法适应的电力行业新需求,导致在工作中,出现很多问题,严重影响了人们正常的工作、生活,对变电检修工作的顺利开展造成严重阻碍。加大对变电检修工作可靠性的深入研究,将在线监测技术手段合理的运用其中,对现有的问题仔细研究,找到问题产生的原因,并逐一解决,在线监测技术在变电检修中的有效应用奠定基础。  【关
一、前言  电气阀门定位器是气动调节阀的关键附件之一,其作用是把调节装置输出的电信号变成驱动调节阀动作的气信号。它具有阀门定位功能,既克服阀杆摩擦力,又可以克服因介质压力变化而引起的不平衡力,从而能够使阀门快速的跟随,并对应于调节器输出的控制信号,实现调节阀快速定位,提升其调节品质。随着智能仪表技术的发展,微电子技术广泛应用在传统仪表中,大大提高了仪表的功能与性能。其在电气阀门定位器中的应用使智能
【摘要】物联网的出现使得对象之间交换信息成为可能,并且随着人工智能的引入,物联网的起源,深度和广度再次增长。物联网技术可用于许多行业,例如农业和工业。物联网的发展极大地促进了业务流程和生产流程的变化。在本文中,作者讨论了基于物联网的人工智能的使用。  【关键词】物联网;科技领域;人工智能技术;应用;  引言  以科学技术为主导的生产减轻了人类和生产力的负担,特别是在科学和技术领域,先进科学技术的使
【摘要】伴随着经济持续快速增长,我国的能源与环境问题也日渐突出,电梯系统节能已是当前国际社会共同关注的话题。针对电梯的耗能情况,从电梯的曳引系统、驱动系统和派梯管理三个方面综述了电梯系统的节能分析方法和主要的节能技术,并在此基础上对电梯节能进行了展望。  [abstract] with the sustained and rapid economic growth,the problems of
【摘要】计量检测中异常数据的剔除关系着计量检测工作的质量。本文为提高计量检测工作的精准性,对检测中剔除异常数据的重要性进行简单阐述并分析计量检测过程中导致计量仪器出现误差的原因,然后再联系案例探讨计量检测中异常数据的剔除方法,其中3α法、t值法、肖维勒法、格布拉斯法均可有效剔除异常数据,保证计量检测工作的准确性与整体质量。  【关键词】计量检测;异常数据;剔除方法  前言  测量体系由来已久,在整
一、以气球为基本材料的纸塑区域创设背景  在轰轰烈烈的美术特色教学浪潮中,纸塑带着它古老的传统技法、鲜明的民族特点、独特的造型手段,顺应了幼儿园美术特色中提出的“玩中感悟美”的需要。而气球作为纸塑活动中的内胚材料,简单易得,造型可以百变,当我们学会了基本的纸塑技能以后,就可以根据自己的意愿创造性地将各种技能组合运用,然后再加上一些辅助材料,就能创造出各种不同的纸塑作品。  二、由气球为基本材料的纸