秋末冬初,秋高气爽,我们来到广西著名的水乡——横县进行调研,了解这里的水运市场、行业管理、企业经营、安全管理等情况。 横县地处广西东南部,总人口106万人,境内主要于流郁江长144.5公里,上承百色、南宁,下接贵港、梧州、广州、珠江三角洲。还有60公里长的支流贯穿全县13个乡镇及62个村委。目前全县共有水运企业20家,服务企业1家,民用船舶修造厂8家,
Late autumn and winter early autumn, autumn, we came to Guangxi’s famous water - Hengxian conduct research to understand the water transport market here, industry management, business management, safety management and so on. Hengxian County is located in southeastern Guangxi with a total population of 1.06 million. It is mainly located at 144.5 km of Liuyu River in the territory, bearing Baise and Nanning, and next to Guigang, Wuzhou, Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta. There are 60 kilometers of tributaries throughout the county 13 towns and 62 village committees. At present, there are 20 waterway enterprises, 1 service enterprise, 8 civil ship repair factories,