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电视《红楼梦》中“林黛玉”的扮演者、著名演员陈晓旭5月13日因病在深圳去世。陈晓旭慈善基金会(筹备)发布消息:5月13日18时57分,陈晓旭女士(妙真法师)因患乳腺癌在深圳去世。遵照陈晓旭遗愿,16日创立陈晓旭慈善基金会(筹备),始创基金为5000万元人民币。陈晓旭的姨妈王元凤也证实,5月13日,陈晓旭在深圳因病去世,临终前,陈晓旭的父母、妹妹、表妹等亲属都陪伴在身边。王元凤介绍说,早在2006年3月,陈晓旭就感觉身体不适,在北京陈晓旭家中,王元凤还多次看到陈晓旭不经意间总是托着右胸,家人劝她看医生,可她总不当回事。实在逼急了,她才抓些中药回来吃。病情不见好转,她就以为中医效果慢,就这样一直拖着。“生活中的晓旭是一个很固执很有个性的人,很多事如果她不认可,别人的意见她很难接受。”王元凤说,后来实在疼得不行了,进医院检查才知道得的是乳腺癌。虽然知道病情严重,但她对西医疗法还是很排斥,坚持回家吃中药。2006年10月,陈晓旭开始在长春的百国兴隆寺闭关修行。2007年3月,她转到深圳继续修行。到4月末时,她已经起不来床了,整个人瘦得皮包骨头,只剩下70来斤。在陈晓旭重病期间,家人还在劝其就医,甚至把医生从北京请到了深圳。可是稍一转念的陈晓旭在看到医生后,又坚决拒绝就医,直到5月13日走完年仅42岁的一生。陈晓旭1965年10月生于辽宁省鞍山市,自幼聪明好学,14岁开始发表诗歌。1985年陈晓旭饰演电视连续剧《红楼梦》中的林黛玉,深得广大观众喜爱。1991年陈晓旭投身广告业,加盟长城国际广告有限公司。1996年创办北京世邦广告有限公司。今年2月,陈晓旭在吉林省长春市的百国兴隆寺剃度,皈依佛门,法号妙真,表示要“做一名多元文化的义务教育工作者”。据陈晓旭慈善基金会(筹备)介绍,基金会基金将全部用于教育和医疗等公益事业,资助因贫困而失学的学生和无力医治疾患的困难群众。据悉,陈晓旭遗体告别仪式将在深圳市殡仪馆举行。 TV “A Dream of Red Mansions” “Lin Daiyu ” actor, famous actor Chen Xiaoxu May 13 died in Shenzhen due to illness. Chen Xiaoxu Charity Foundation (Preparatory) Release message: At 18:57 on May 13, Ms. Chen Xiaoxu (wonderful Master) died of breast cancer in Shenzhen. In accordance with Chen Xiaoxu’s last wish, founded the Chen Xiaoxu Charity Foundation (Preparatory) on the 16th and founded a fund of 50 million yuan. Chen Xiaoxu’s aunt Wang Yuanfeng also confirmed that on May 13, Chen Xiaoxu died in Shenzhen, before his death, Chen Xiaoxu’s parents, sister, cousin and other relatives are accompanied by. Wang Yuanfeng said that as early as March 2006, Chen Xiaoxu felt unwell. In Beijing’s Chen Xiaoxu home, Wang Yuanfeng also repeatedly saw Chen Xiaoxu inadvertently always holding the right chest. His family advised her to see the doctor. . Really anxious, and she just grab some medicine back to eat. Condition did not improve, she thought the effect of Chinese medicine is slow, it has been dragging. “Xiaoxu in life is a very stubborn personality, a lot of things if she does not approve, others would not accept her opinion. ” Wang Yuanfeng said, and later it really hurt, into the hospital to check to know It’s breast cancer. Although I know the condition is serious, she still rejects Western medical treatment and insists on going home to eat Chinese medicine. In October 2006, Chen Xiaoxu began to retreat in Changchun. In 2007 March, she went to Shenzhen to practice. By the end of April, she had not got up, the whole skinny skinny, leaving only 70 pounds. During the sickness of Chen Xiaoxu, his family still persuaded them to seek medical treatment, and even invited doctors from Beijing to Shenzhen. However, a little miss for Chen Xiaoxu saw the doctor, but also strongly refused to seek medical treatment until the end of May 13 only 42-year-old life. Chen Xiaoxu Born in October 1965 in Anshan City, Liaoning Province, he was clever and studious, and began to publish poetry at the age of 14. In 1985 Chen Xiaoxu plays the TV series “Dream of Red Mansions” in Lin Daiyu, won the majority of audience favorite. Chen Xiaoxu joined the advertising industry in 1991, joining the Great Wall International Advertising Co., Ltd. 1996 founded Beijing Shibang Advertising Co., Ltd. In February this year, Chen Xiaoxu was born in Changchun, a 100 State Xinglong Temple in Changchun City, Jilin Province, and converted to Buddhism. His name is “a compulsory education worker with multiculturalism.” According to Chen Xiaoxu Charity Foundation (Preparatory), Foundation funds will be used exclusively for public welfare undertakings such as education and medical care, to subsidize students who have been out of school due to poverty, and people in need who can not cure diseases. It is reported that Chen Xiaoxu body farewell ceremony will be held in Shenzhen Funeral Parlor.
碳元素在全球的碳循环中存在遗失汇(missing sink),学者认为遗失碳汇主要是地质作用.然而不同的地区的地质碳汇存在较大的差异,因此研究区域地质碳汇的机理是至关重要的问题.
本文选取河南省栗川县鸡冠洞作为对象,在洞内选取两处滴水、三处池水,对它们进行定点定时监测,监测指标包括鸡冠洞内池水和滴水的电导、碳同位素、pH值、水温以及Ca2+,Mg2+, K+,N