1目的要求进行绿叶中色素的提取和分离;探究绿叶中含有几种色素。2材料用具实验材料:新鲜的绿叶(如菠菜的绿叶)。实验用具:研钵、剪刀、二氧化硅、碳酸钙、无水乙醇、试管、试管塞、试管架、玻璃漏斗、尼龙布、毛细吸管、药勺、10 mL量筒、天平、干燥的定性滤纸、层析液等。3实验原理色素提取原理:绿叶中的色素能够溶解在有机溶剂中,因此可以用无水乙醇提取绿叶中的色素。色素分离原理:不同色素在层析液中的溶解度不同,且溶
1 Purpose The extraction and isolation of the pigments in the green leaves are required; the search for green leaves contains several pigments. 2 material appliances experimental materials: fresh green leaves (such as green leaves of spinach). Experimental equipment: mortar, scissors, silica, calcium carbonate, anhydrous ethanol, test tubes, test tube stoppers, test tube holders, glass funnels, nylon cloth, capillary pipettes, medicine spoons, 10 mL graduated cylinders, scales, dried qualitative filter paper, Chromatography fluid and so on. 3 Experimental principle Principle of pigment extraction: The pigment in green leaves can be dissolved in organic solvents. Therefore, the pigment in green leaves can be extracted with absolute ethanol. Principle of pigment separation: The solubility of different pigments in the chromatographic fluid is different and soluble