在设施菜地条件下,研究了氮肥减施及配施抑制剂处理在黄瓜生长期对土壤NO3--N迁移累积的影响。结果表明,氮肥减施处理可显著降低土壤表层和整个土体的NO3--N含量。常规施氮量时0~40 cm土层的NO3--N含量均高于其它处理,减氮30%后0~40 cm土层未出现NO3--N显著积累现象;氮肥配施抑制剂处理不同程度降低了土壤NO3--N含量,且抑制硝态氮向下层土壤淋失,其中抑制剂组合的效果最好。氮肥配施抑制剂,可以有效控制NO3--N在土壤和植物体内的过量累积,减少硝态氮淋溶损失。
Under the condition of vegetable field, the effects of nitrogen application and inhibitor application on the accumulation of NO3 - N in soil during cucumber growth stage were studied. The results showed that nitrogen application could significantly reduce the content of NO3 - N in the soil surface and the whole soil. The contents of NO3 - N in 0 ~ 40 cm soil layer were higher than those of other treatments when conventional nitrogen application was applied. No significant accumulation of NO3 - N was observed in 0 ~ 40 cm soil layer after reducing nitrogen content by 30% The content of NO3 - N in soil decreased to a certain extent, and nitrate leaching was inhibited to the leaching of soil in the lower layer, and the inhibitor combination had the best effect. Nitrogen fertilizer inhibitor, can effectively control NO3 - N in soil and plant over accumulation, reduce nitrate leaching loss.