听如歌的行板,在春天的门槛,轻轻地吟唱。 旋转的地球已经把喧闹尘封在1993年永恒的沉默里。宁静的心在此刻打开一扇窗,看1994的黎明跳出地平线…… 打开一扇窗,看过去的岁月庄严地落幕。我们曾从那里走过来,同世界一起梦醒梦回、悲欢离合。当世界经济的潮水猛烈拍击中国海岸时,我们充满自信地扬起了市场经济的帆。十四大,使中国以更开放、更积极的姿态站在世界的东方;十四大,使中国经济与世界经济的接轨更迅速、更全
Listen to the board, in the spring threshold, gently singing. The rotating Earth has been loud and clear in the eternal silence of 1993. Quiet heart at this moment to open a window to see the dawn of 1994 out of the horizon ... Open a window to see the past years solemnly ended. We have come from there, dreaming and dreaming together with the world, joys and sorrows. When the tide of the world economy slapped the Chinese coast violently, we confidently raised the sail of the market economy. The 14th CPC National Congress to make China stand in the east of the world with a more open and positive attitude. The 14th CPC National Congress will make the integration of the Chinese economy and the world economy more rapid and complete