一袭深紫色的宽松式毛衣,一条黑色毛裤,一派青春的活力。岁月的风沙似乎没有在她脸上刻下痕迹。我不禁疑惑起来:这就是北大国际关系研究所所长、国政系唯一的女教授袁明吗? 谈到自己所衷心热爱和从事的国际关系研究和民间外交工作,她的喜悦与自豪溢于言表:去年4月,我参加美日欧三边委员会会议,我在会上发言强调“中国需要世界,世界需要中国”。三边委员会主席,美国曼哈顿银行董事长洛克菲勒对我说:“We so admireyon。”看得出,强烈的国家荣誉感在她心中荡漾。 的确,正因为如此,她为世界打开了一扇认识中国的窗口。她曾赴美、英、日、加、韩等许多国家和地区进行学术考察。在美国众多大学,在兰德公司,在伦敦政治经济学院等著名研究机构,她的专题演
Dressed in dark purple loose sweater, a black pants, a youthful vitality. Years of sand does not seem to carve a trace on her face. I can not help wondering: Is this the director of the Institute of International Relations at Peking University, Yuan Ming, the only woman professor in the State Department? Her delight and pride in speaking of her own heartfelt love and engagement in international relations and civil diplomacy are palpable: Last year In April, I attended the trilateral committee meeting of the United States, Japan and Europe. At the meeting, I emphasized that “China needs the world and the world needs China.” Rockwell, chairman of Trilateral Commission and Chairman of Manhattan Bank of the United States, told me: “We so admireyon.” It can be seen that a strong sense of national honor ripples in her heart. Indeed, for this reason she has opened a window for the world to know China. She went to the United States, Britain, Japan, Canada, South Korea and many other countries and regions for academic study. In the United States many universities, the Rand Corporation, the London School of Economics and other famous research institutions, her thematic show