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目的现场使用CO2诱蚊器与紫外光诱蚊器采集成蚊,对比2种捕蚊器的捕蚊效果。方法依据病媒生物密度检测国家标准(GB/T23797-2009),于2014年8-9月以平均每周2次,连续2个月,在广州市蚊虫活动密集场所同时采取CO2诱蚊器与紫外光诱蚊器诱捕蚊虫。结果 2种方法共捕获成蚊3 282只,其中CO2捕蚊器捕获成蚊1 730只,紫外光诱蚊器捕获成蚊1 552只;CO2捕蚊器捕获的成蚊平均密度13.11只/(灯·h),白纹伊蚊为10.64只/(灯·h),紫外光诱蚊器成蚊平均密度11.76只/(灯·h),白纹伊蚊为6.74只/(灯·h)。结论 CO2诱蚊器对白纹伊蚊诱捕效果优于紫外光诱蚊器,可用于日昼活动蚊种如白纹伊蚊的监测;紫外光诱蚊器对库蚊属(如致倦库蚊)、按蚊属(如微小按蚊)效果较好,对白昼活动的白纹伊蚊效果一般,适用于库蚊属、按蚊属的监测或作定点长期捕蚊灭蚊使用。 Objectives CO2 capture mosquito and UV light mosquito were used to collect adult mosquitoes on the spot, and the mosquito trapping effects of two mosquito traps were compared. Methods According to the national standard of vector detection of organism density (GB / T23797-2009), the average mosquito activity in Guangzhou from August to September 2014 was averagely twice a week for 2 months. At the same time, UV light mosquito traps mosquitoes. Results A total of 3 282 adult mosquitoes were captured by the two methods. Among them, 1 730 were captured by CO2 trap and 1 552 by ultraviolet light trapping mosquito. The average density of adult mosquitoes captured by CO2 trap was 13.11 / (Lamp · h), Aedes albopictus 10.64 / (lamp · h), UV light mosquito device average density of 11.76 / (lamp · h), Aedes albopictus 6.74 / (lamp · h) . Conclusion CO2 trapping mosquito trapping Aedes albopictus is better than UV trapping mosquito, which can be used to monitor mosquito species such as Aedes albopictus in daytime. UV light mosquito traps are effective against Culex spp. , Anopheles (such as Anopheles minimus) have a good effect on daytime Aedes albopictus and are suitable for the detection of Culex spp. And Anopheles spp. Or for long-term mosquito sowing.
广义的亚健康状态,是指介乎健康与疾病之间,非病非健康的过渡状态。不过,对这个概念很多人存有争议,因为“金无足赤,人无完人”,世界上并不存在绝对健康、一点毛病都没有的人,健康不仅仅包括了身体方面,也包括了心理方面,还包括了人际交往方面,无论是哪个方面都不太可能有谁会达到完美无缺。所以,从某种意义上来说,我们每个人都处于亚健康状态。  虽然亚健康并不是一个科学的定义,但每个人的健康状态还是不尽相同的。
百年前的香港中环,连夜狂赌输光了家当与人格的沈重阳红肿着双眼从赌局出来,顺走了街边小贩的几根油条,胡乱地塞到口中,在众人的追打中苟活着。或许当我们简单地认定英租界时香港市民所食用的都应该是飘弥着浓郁奶香的英式早餐的时候,沈重阳这个被视为低贱的平民却为国人真实地展现着港人秉承大陆遗脉的饮食传统。  油条一直以来都是传统中国民间最常见到的早餐,无论是等第森严的皇城官宅还是山长水阔的边邑小户,不分省份、