《解放孩子的潜能》一书由英国马丁·洛森(Martyn Rawson)著,吴蓓译著,被称为“华德福父母指南”。该书是对华德福家庭教育思想的全面介绍,旨在指导并帮助父母了解和支持孩子。任何家庭教育实施的过程中,“怎样对待儿童”是家庭教育的基础,甚至是一切儿童教育活动进行的前提。所以了解华德福教育的儿童观是把握华德福教育的重中之重,也是在中国提倡华德福教育的重要理由。本文试图通过对《解放孩子的潜能》及相关华德福教育著作的阅读与理解,阐述华德福家庭教育的儿童观。
The Book of Potential for Liberation, written by Martyn Rawson of the United Kingdom and translated by Wu Bei, is called the Waldorf-Fathers Parents Guide. The book is a comprehensive introduction to Waldorf Forth family education thinking, to guide and help parents understand and support their children. In the process of implementing any family education, “how to treat children” is the foundation of family education and even the premise of all children’s education activities. Therefore, understanding Waldorf education of children’s perspective is the most important part of Waldorf education, as well as an important reason for Waldorf education in China. This article attempts to elaborate Waldorf ’s children’ s view of family education by reading and understanding the potential of liberating children and related Waldorf education books.