现存数以十万计的徽州文书中包含了大量有关妇女的户口登记、婚姻家庭、财产买卖、家产分割、司法诉讼等方面的第一手资料 ,这些实证性的资料与其它史料相结合 ,可以在许多方面对中国传统社会中妇女地位的探讨产生重大的影响。本文依靠大量土地买卖文书分析明清时代徽州妇女在土地交易过程中的角色与地位 ,并在此基础上分析当时社会的礼法观念与民间实际生活的结合程度与方式
Hundreds of thousands of existing Huizhou documents contain a wealth of first-hand information about women’s household registration, marriage and family, property sales, property separation, judicial proceedings, etc. These positive data, combined with other historical materials, In many ways, the discussion of the status of women in traditional Chinese society has had a significant impact. This paper relies on a large number of land sale and purchase instruments to analyze the role and status of Huizhou women during the land transaction in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. On the basis of this, the paper analyzes the combination of the concept of law and rituals and the actual life of the people at that time