工会志是记述工会会情的资料性著述 ,其内容包括工会自身建设活动和社会职能活动两大方面。在编纂形式上有大编式、中编式和小编式三种。中编式工会志同大编式工会志和小编式工会志相比较 ,在解决结构问题及部门工作交叉问题 ,反映工会的本质、活动规律 ,体现会情的联系性、整体性和宏观特色、时代特色 ,增强志书的认识价值和使用价值 ,达到经世致用目的等方面 ,具有明显的优越性 ,因而更具科学性和可行性。
Trade union volunteers describe the informational writings of trade union affair, which include the two aspects of trade union self-building activities and social function activities. In the compilation of the form of a large series, in the series and Xiaobian three. Compared with the large-scale trade unions Chi and Xiaobian-style trade unions, the medium-sized trade unions, in their resolution of structural problems and the cross-cutting work of departments, reflect the nature of trade unions, the law of activities, and the connection, integrity and macro characteristics of human feelings. The characteristics of the times, enhance the understanding of the value and value of the book, to achieve the purpose of the world purpose, has obvious advantages, and therefore more scientific and feasible.