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测试了聚丙烯纤维增强玻化微珠保温砂浆的干缩,采用圆环加速开裂方法对其早期硬化开裂进行了试验,研究了聚丙烯纤维掺量和尺寸对其干缩开裂的影响,用质量损失率来表征其失水量,并通过氮吸附方法分析了孔结构.结果表明:聚丙烯纤维增强玻化微珠保温砂浆的干缩随龄期呈快速期(7d前)、慢速期(7~365d)、亚稳期(365d后)3个阶段,第1阶段的干缩主要由砂浆的快速失水引起,后2个阶段的干缩归结于砂浆中小于50.0nm的孔结构,且与7.3~12.3nm的孔径分布线性相关;聚丙烯纤维的掺加未改变玻化微珠保温砂浆干缩3阶段的发展趋势,但可抑制其发展速率,降低裂缝开裂权重值,而且聚丙烯纤维的阻裂作用与其掺量和尺寸线性相关. The shrinkage and shrinkage cracking of polypropylene mortar strengthened with vitrified microsphere were tested. The early cracking and cracking of the mortar were tested by ring-accelerated cracking method. The effect of polypropylene fiber content and size on shrinkage cracking was studied. The results showed that the shrinkage shrinkage of glass fiber reinforced microsphere thermal insulation mortar increased with age (7d), while in slow period (7) ~ 365d) and metastable phase (365d). The first stage of shrinkage is mainly caused by rapid water loss of mortar. The shrinkage of the latter two stages is attributed to the pore structure of less than 50.0nm in mortar, 7.3 ~ 12.3nm pore size distribution linear correlation; polypropylene fiber doping did not change the development trend of glass beads thermal insulation mortar shrinkage three stages, but it can inhibit the rate of development and reduce the value of crack cracking weight, and polypropylene fiber The blocking effect is linearly related to its content and size.
CHINESE ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 1979年6月经国务院批准,'中国农业工程研究设计院'正式成立,1992年8月更名为'农业部规划设计研究院',对外仍