读一读: May五月 away離开 okay好的背一背: 很多day(天) 天空gray(灰色的) 没发pay(工资) 无心play(玩) 无话say(说) 回家stay(待)听一听: ——Why are you so happy,mum? 妈妈,您为什么这么高兴呢? ——It’s my pay day today. 今天是我领工资的日子。 ——Do you want t
There are more than 20,000 kinds of fish. Which fish swims the fastest? Where are seahorses(海马) from? Can fish live on land? Read on to find out!who is the fastest ?海洋中的游泳冠军 It is the sailfish(旗鱼). I
1. In California(加利福尼亚),you can’t eat an orange ________ . A. in the classroom B. in your bathtub(浴缸) C. on the plane 2. In French schools,kids can’t eat ________ . A. rice B. fish C. ketchup(番茄
本期劇场将带来三只小山羊的故事。很久很久以前,山谷里住着三只小山羊。一天,它们发现,桥那头的小山上有一片嫩绿的草地,去往草地的必经之路上有一座桥。它们想过桥去吃青草,可是桥旁有一只虎视眈眈的巨怪。聪明的小山羊们能战胜巨怪吃到青草吗?让我们一起欣赏来自江苏省泰州市姜堰区第二实验小学同学们的精彩表演吧!Actors: 华思力 刘思含 卞捷翔 陈徐璐Act I:Coat and Troll Bill
What's the story about? Riley Anderson is an 11-year-old girl from the US. Her father starts a new job in San Francisco(旧金山). So she moves to(搬去) the new city with her family. Riley has to go to a ne
You must know about Angry Birds. But you may not know why they are so angry. You can find out the answer in the movie The Angry Birds Movie. The movie takes us to Bird Island(鸟岛). Birds live happily
本期剧场为大家带来情景剧《小红帽》(Little RedRiding Hood)。从前有个人见人爱的小姑娘,喜欢戴着外婆送给她的一顶红色天鹅绒帽,于是大家就叫她“小紅帽”。有一天,妈妈让小红帽送些水果给外婆,却遇见了森林中的大灰狼。小红帽似乎早已洞悉了大灰狼的凶残,他们之间会发生怎样惊心动魄的较量呢?让我们一起欣赏江苏省兴化市垛田中心小学的同学们带来的精彩表演吧!
功课遇到问题,便退缩,说难;生活遇到困难,便抱怨,说苦。总羡慕别人的成绩,悲观于自己的一事无成,这可是不健康的心理状态。其实,这些不如意的事情,往往可以磨砺我们,让我们的内心变得更加坚韧,更加强大。同学们,请记住,人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。竭尽全力吧! I messed up tonight,I lost another fight I still mess up,b
一天,森林之王老虎生病了,躲在洞里不出来。他向森林里的小动物们下了一道命令,要求他们轮流去看望他。 第一天,小白兔带了一篮子胡萝卜来到了老虎家里。它战战兢兢地说: My caFrots are fresh.I give them to you. 我的胡萝卜很新鲜。我把它们都给你。 但老虎面目狰狞地吼道: I don’t like your carrots.I’d like to eat