石太线为双线电气化区段,现行维修“天窗”一直沿用周期修的管理模式,天窗兑现率只有54.5%,为挖掘线路通过能力,必须改革接触网检修办法,将每天“天窗”时间由90 min扩大为120 min,则每年可减少停电检修91天,同时,将检修中的非生产时间提前进行准备,扩大检修作业在天窗中的比例,还可利用工务线路大修时间,同时进行接触网集中修,给太原、石家庄铁路分局带来良好的经济效益。
Shitai line for the two-lane electrification section, the current maintenance “skylight” has followed the cycle of repair management mode, the skylight rate is only 54.5%, in order to tap the line capacity, we must reform the catenary repair methods, the daily “skylight” time from 90 min extended to 120 min, the annual power outage can be reduced to 91 days, at the same time, the maintenance of non-production time in advance to prepare and expand the proportion of maintenance operations in the skylight, but also make use of the service line overhaul time, while the contact network Focus on repair, to Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang Railway Branch bring good economic benefits.