临床资料患者男性,36岁。因“反复咳嗽8年,加重1个月”就诊。8年前始反复受凉后出现咽痒、咳嗽,初少许黄痰,后转白痰,偶有咳出鱼肉样物,就诊前1个月感冒后咳嗽加重,偶有鼻塞,无流涕、咽痛、发热,无夜间盗汗、胸闷、气促、心悸、咯血、水肿、胸痛,无反酸、嗳气,无多饮、多食、多尿,自服阿莫西林、阿奇霉素抗感染等治疗好转不明显。既往无高血压、糖尿病、冠心病病史,无肺结核、肝炎等传染病史及肺炎病史。无禽流感等近期传染病接触史。无毒物放射性物质接触史。无吸烟史。胸部CT示气管、左右支气管明显扩大,气管最大径约3.3 cm,左
Clinical data Male patient, 36 years old. Because of “repeated cough for 8 years, aggravating 1 month ” treatment. 8 years ago after the beginning of repeated cold appeared throat itch, cough, a little yellow sputum, turn white phlegm, coughing fish samples occasionally, 1 month after treatment cough aggravated, occasionally stuffy nose, no runny nose, pharynx No pain, fever, no night sweats, chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, hemoptysis, edema, chest pain, no acid reflux, belching, no drink, eat more, polyuria, self-medication amoxicillin, azithromycin, obvious. Past no hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease history, no tuberculosis, hepatitis and other infectious diseases and pneumonia history. No recent history of bird flu exposure to infectious diseases. Non-toxic radioactive exposure history. No smoking history. Chest CT showed tracheal, bronchiectasis was significantly enlarged, trachea maximum diameter of about 3.3 cm, left