我对语词的基本态度是:一方面倾向于相信,正如维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein,1889—1951)所说,语言原是一种随机漂浮的生活游戏,并不存在一种“从正确走向更正确”的内在趋势,所以也不必非要去非此即彼地澄清它,甚至非要去整齐划一地定死它;可另一方面,我又倾向于主张,针对某些足以纲举目张、牵一发动全身的语词,至少要弄清楚它分别存在哪些特定的用法,分别被嵌入到了哪些特定的语境,以免陷入“三岔口”式的交流盲区,白白浪费了自己的脑力和别人的精力。不待言,“汉学”正是这样一个语词,或者
My basic attitude toward words is: On the one hand, I tend to believe that, as Wittgenstein (Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889-1951) put it, language was originally a game of random floating life, and there is no such thing as “ More accurate, ”so there is no need to clarify it non-exogenously or even to set it all neatly and evenly. On the other hand, I also tend to advocate that we should, Take the lead in launching the whole body, at least to find out what specific usage it exists, which specific contexts were embedded in each, so as not to fall into the “three fork” type of communication blind spot, wasted his mind and others The energy. Needless to say, “Sinology” is just such a term, or