2006年2月22日晚,以色列内盖尔大沙漠一个叫奥麦尔的小镇的上空,星星低垂,风儿哀鸣。那天夜里,犹太人失去了一个忠实的儿子,一个把一生贡献给科学事业、闻名遐迩的癌症免疫专家。突来的噩耗震惊了所有知他、识他、敬爱他的人。内盖夫·本古里安大学和索偌卡医学中心笼罩在一片悲哀的气氛中。他就是我的博士学位导师Shraga Sega(l中文译为:诗然噶-西格尔)教授——一个二战时期希特勒大屠杀的幸存者,以他坚强的意志,和非凡的智慧,最终成为一个伟大的学者和卓越的科学界领袖。如果说父亲的自行车赋予我生存的能力,载着我跨
On the evening of February 22, 2006, over the small town of Omer, in the desert of Israel’s Great Neck, the stars drooped and the wind whined. That night, the Jews lost a loyal son, a cancer immunologist who dedicated his life to science, a world-renowned cancer immunologist. Sudden news shocked all who know him, know him, love him. Negev Ben Gurion University and Soxhlet Medical Center shrouded in a sad atmosphere. He is my Ph.D. mentor Professor Shraga Sega - a survivor of the Hitler genocide during the Second World War, eventually becoming one with his strong will and extraordinary wisdom Great scholar and outstanding scientific leader. If my father’s bike gave me the ability to survive, carrying me across