心肌梗死患病率高且常伴有多种严重并发症,心肌梗死面积(myocardial infarct area, MIA)的大小是评价心肌受损程度及梗死后心肌重塑的重要因素,及时准确的评估MIA是早期诊治、改善预后的关键.利用超声心动图检查技术,能无创、实时、动态的反映心肌缺血后的运动和解剖形态变化,从而准确的定位、定量梗死范围,评价心梗病变程度.随着组织多普勒、斑点追踪及超声造影等新技术的开展,超声在评估MIA方面也有许多新进展.“,”Myocardial infarction, accompanied by a variety of serious complications ,is rather prevalent.Myocardial infarct area is the decisive factor for myocardial remodeling and cardiac dysfunction.A timely and accurate assessment of infarct size is the key to its early diagnosis and treatment.Echocardiography is widely used, because it can detect wall motion and morphology abnormalities in real time and non-invasively, thus the infarct region can be accutately positioned and quantified.With the development of new technologies such as Tissue Doppler, Speckle-tracking, Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography, methods of evaluating myocardial infarct size (MIA) and cardiac function are progressing.