假日和友人结伴到婺源县红湾镇一游 ,虽“五一黄金周”旅游旺季已过 ,但由于山清水秀的婺源近年来刚走出“深闺” ,更由于江总书记的江湾之行 ,各地慕名而来的游客使这里淡季不淡 ,和天气一样火热。我们避开观光热点 ,进入一偏僻幽静小村 ,顺便寻访一位在该村的老同学。我们向
Holidays and friends go hand in hand with a tour of Hongwan Town, Wuyuan County. Although the tourist season of “May Day Golden Week” has passed, the beautiful Wuyuan just walked out of the “boudoir” in recent years and, thanks to General Secretary Jiang’s visit to Jiangwan, Attracted tourists to make the off-season here is not light, and the weather is as hot. We avoided the tourist hot spots and entered a secluded secluded village looking for an old classmate in the village by the way. We will