Changing behaviours and attitudes towards more sustainable individual energy consumption is a difficult topic to address. After identifying the most recurrent factors influencing the bad energy consumption, society’s environmental short-sightedness, a lack of individual responsibility and a tendency to put responsibility upon firms, institutions, and governments, the authors evaluated the effect that business practices can have on individual behaviour. By qualifying as highly credible sources of information, positioning themselves as examples to follow, and providing its employees with the necessary smart and innovative technology, business communities can have a major impact on changing individual behaviours towards more sustainable energy consumption.
Changing behavior and attitudes towards more sustainable individual energy consumption is a difficult topic to address. After identifying the most recurrent factors influencing the bad energy consumption, society’s environmental short-sightedness, a lack of individual responsibility and a tendency to put responsibility upon firms, institutions , and governments, the contributors evaluate the effect that business practices can have on individual behavior. by qualifying as highly credible sources of information, positioning themselves as examples to follow, and providing its employees with the necessary smart and innovative technology, business communities can have a major impact on changing individual behaviors towards more sustainable energy consumption.