相图用于研究两种或两种以上元素的组合在什么样的成分、温度和压力下形成什么样的晶体结构,可能会有什么样的性能,以及这些因素之间可能产生的变化关系.相图所反映的是物质世界的最基础的规律.大多数新材料的发展是以相图工作作为先导的. 我国稀土资源十分丰富.稀土元素有许多
The phase diagram is used to study what kind of crystal structure the two or more elements can form under what kind of composition, temperature and pressure, what kind of performance may be possible, and the possible relationship between these factors. Phase diagram reflects the most basic law of the material world.Most of the new material is the phase diagram of the work as a precursor to our country is very rich in rare earth resources. There are many rare earth elements