1989年2月28日,寒风凛冽,在北级圈以北180海里处,一艘潜艇正小心翼翼地穿过冰水中那骇人的峡谷。这是前苏联的新式核动力潜艇、6400吨级的“共青团员”号,正准备出洋执行特别任务。 舰长万尼是著名的列宁格勒海军学院的高材生,他平常总是斯斯文文,看上去一点也不象一名苏联潜艇指挥官。但他因自己的勤勉而在艇员们中间享有极高的威望。 这次出洋少说也得两个月才能返回,万尼深深地吸了一口北极海面上的新鲜而清冽的空气,从甲板上跳下指挥舱,随手关上了舱盖并示意学员斯卢斯林科启动导航仪。 “下潜,”他命令道,“全速前进。” “共青团员”号外壳用比铁轻一半但强度大一倍的钛合金制造,体长400英尺,内部有7个相互密闭的舱室。它可以下潜到3300英尺的深海(超过任何一艘美国潜艇),并
February 28, 1989, cold and windy, 180 nautical miles north of the Northern Circle, a submarine is carefully through the appalling gorge in ice and water. This is the new Soviet nuclear-powered submarine, 6400-ton class “Communist Youth League” number, is preparing to carry out special missions abroad. Captain Wanni is a top student at the famous Naval Academy of Leningrad. He is usually always a Stevenian and does not look like a Soviet submarine commander. But he enjoys a high prestige among the crew because of his diligence. This time overseas speaking and speaking would have to return for two months. Wani took a deep breath of fresh and clear air from the Arctic sea, jumped off the command capsule from the deck, closed the hatch and instructed the student Si Lusilin Section start navigator. “Dive,” he ordered, “at full speed.” The “CYL” shell is made of titanium alloy, one-half the strength but twice as strong, with a body length of 400 feet and seven interior compartments inside each other. It can dive to 3,300 feet deep (more than any US submarine) and