我院自1986年4月至1990年6月采用开塞露注肛治疗脑血管疾病尿潴留45例,疗效满意现报告如下:一般资料 45例中男29例,女16例,年龄38~76岁,其中脑出血13例,蛛网膜下腔出血5例,脑血栓形成27例;首次中风40例,再次中风5例;轻度和中度昏迷20例,深度昏迷4例,依据1987年第二届神经精神科学术会议制定的诊断标准,明确诊断及病变性质.所有病例均除外泌尿系统疾患,且具有以下体征:膀胱区充盈明显,耻骨上方可扪及圆形肿物,叩诊呈浊音.45例患者均先行膀胱区热敷、按压针灸不能排尿而应用本
Our hospital from April 1986 to June 1990 the use of Kaiser exposed anal treatment of cerebrovascular disease, 45 cases of urinary retention, the results are satisfactory reports are as follows: General information 45 cases of male 29 cases, 16 females, aged 38 to 76 Year-old, including 13 cases of intracerebral hemorrhage, 5 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis in 27 cases; 40 cases of first stroke, 5 cases of stroke again; mild and moderate coma in 20 cases, 4 cases of deep coma, Diagnostic criteria developed at the Second Neuropsychiatric Conference identified the diagnosis and the nature of the lesion, with the exception of urological disorders in all cases and with the following signs: a clear filling of the bladder area, palpable suprapubic circular masses, and percussion dullness. 45 patients were first heat of the bladder area, pressing the acupuncture can not urinate and apply this