火车司机是保证铁路生产运输任务完成的主力军,他们日以继夜地牵引着无数对客、货列车奔驰在铁道线上,要使列车安全正点地到达目的地也就离不开充沛的精力和健康的身体,因此,提高火车司机的自我保健能力尤为重要。一套完善的健康生活方式,包括生活的方方面面,针对火车司机工作特点,就要从以下几个方面来着手: 1.由于班次不稳定,要翻班,就要注意劳逸结合。下班后要抓紧时间休息,睡前不吃浓茶或咖啡,以免影响睡眠,只有这样才能做到上班时精力充沛,思想集中,确保安全。
Train drivers are the main force to ensure the completion of railway production and transportation tasks. They are driving countless pairs of passengers day and night. The goods train runs on the railway line. To make the train arrive safely at its destination, it can not be separated from abundant energy and health The body, therefore, to enhance the self-care ability of train drivers is particularly important. A sound and healthy lifestyle, including all aspects of life, for the characteristics of train drivers, we must proceed from the following aspects: 1. Because of the shift is unstable, we must pay attention to work and rest. After work to seize the time to rest, do not eat tea or coffee before going to bed, so as not to affect sleep, the only way to be energetic at work, to concentrate on thinking, to ensure safety.