八六年十一月二十七日晚,刚刚当选为中国举重协会健美运动委员会主任的曾维祺先生,在深圳市竹园宾馆接受了本刊记者的采访。他虽然已年过七旬,但思维敏捷,十分健谈,论起中国健美运动的历史及现状,如数家珍。记者:曾老您好!首先祝贺您当选为健美运动委员会主任! 曾老:谢谢! 记者:现在不少青年人对中国健美运动的历史不甚了解,以为这是一项在中国新兴起的体育运动。对此,希望您能做一些介绍。曾老:健美运动在我国个是一项新兴的体育运动。早在三四十年代这项运动在我国就有相当规模的开展。被誉为中国健美运动开山祖的赵竹光先生,三十年代初就在上海沪江大学成立了“沪江大学健美会”三九年我与赵竹光等人一起创立了“肌肉发达法研究会”,
On the night of November 27, 2006, Zeng Weiqi, who was newly elected as the director of China Weightlifting Association Athletic Committee, accepted an interview with our reporter at Zhuyuan Hotel in Shenzhen. Although he has been over seventy years, but quick thinking, very talkative, on the history of Chinese bodybuilding and the status quo, as a household name. Reporter: Hello old once! First of all, congratulations on your election as the bodybuilding Commission Director! Zenglao: Thank you! Reporter: Now many young people do not understand the history of Chinese bodybuilding, thinking that this is a new sports in China movement. In this regard, I hope you can do some introduction. Zenglao: Bodybuilding is a new sport in our country. As early as the 1930s and 1940s, the sport in our country had a considerable scale. Mr. Zhao Zhuguang, known as the ancestor of Chinese bodybuilding, founded the “Shanghai Jiangbei Bodybuilding Society” in Shanghai University in Shanghai in the early 1930s. In 1939, with Zhao Zhuguang and others, the “Muscle Developed Research Association ”,