为明确转基因大豆的种植及生态安全性,将导入抗逆基因TaDREB3的转基因大豆T4代播种于大田,周围种植非转基因对照,收获转基因大豆周围不同距离的非转基因大豆种子。经过连续2 a的田间及盆栽试验,通过除草剂草丁膦的筛选和分子检测等手段,研究了转TaDREB3基因大豆的基因漂流距离及漂流频率。结果表明:在三叶期整株喷洒75 mg·L-1的草丁膦是较适宜的抗性植株筛选浓度;在自然条件下漂流距离为1 m的非转基因大豆中检测到1条阳性带,漂流距离为3、5和8 m的非转基因大豆均未检测到阳性带,确定转TaDREB3基因大豆基因漂流距离为1 m,基因漂流频率为0.0348%。
In order to clarify the cultivation and ecological security of transgenic soybean, T4 generation of transgenic soybean introduced with TaDREB3, an anti-stress gene, was planted in Daejeon. Around non-transgenic control, non-GMO soybean seeds were harvested at different distances around the transgenic soybean. After 2 consecutive days of field and pot experiments, the gene drifting distance and drifting frequency of transgenic TaDREB3 soybean were studied by means of screening and molecular detection of the herbicide glufosinate. The results showed that glufosinate sprayed with 75 mg · L-1 whole plant in the three-leaf stage was the most suitable screening plant for screening resistant plants. One positive band was detected in non-GM soybeans with a drift distance of 1 m under natural conditions No positive bands were detected in non-GMO soybeans with drifting distances of 3, 5, and 8 m. The gene drift distance of TaDREB3 was 1 m and the frequency of gene drifting was 0.0348%.