高校学报 (自科版 )的稿源覆盖所在学校的众多专业 ,通常的做法是聘请相关专家审稿。因审稿专家和作者之间存在着合作、竞争及审稿专家为学术泰斗等三种情形 ,这就决定了主编必须在相当程度上介入审稿定稿工作。为解决有限专业知识的主编与众多学科专业的稿源之矛盾 ,主编必须正确区分两类科学创新、掌握判定理论科学与否的标准和科技研究论文的独特结构
The sources of university journals (self-science and technology version) cover many majors in their schools, and the usual practice is to hire relevant experts for review. Due to the existence of cooperation between experts and authors, competition and expert reviewers for the academic and other three situations, which determines the editor must be involved to a certain extent, final draft. In order to solve the contradiction between the editors of limited professional knowledge and the manuscripts of many disciplines, the editor must correctly distinguish two kinds of scientific innovations, grasp the standard of judgment theory and the unique structure of scientific research papers