啮齿动物传播多种疾病,特别作为鼠疫等自然疫源性疾病的贮存宿主,严重危害着人民健康。80年代,我国广泛地开展了有关耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia)(以下简称耶氏菌)的流行病学研究。崔凤柱、侯在文等对宁夏人群及家畜等动物曾进行过调查研究,对宁夏啮齿动物除鼠疫菌外的其它病原性耶氏菌从未进行过研究。为控制和深入研究鼠疫和其它病原性耶氏菌病,在查清宁夏啮齿动物鼠疫流行病学的基础上,调查研究其它病原性耶氏菌的分布及有关生态学很有必要。1997~1998年在宁夏的海原县、盐池县、银川市等地进行了调查研究,结果如下。1 材料与方法1.1 捕获啮齿动物 在海原县、盐池县鼠疫自然疫源地及周边地区与银川市的非鼠疫疫区的野外和居民点,用2号弓
Rodents spread a variety of diseases, especially as storage hosts for natural epidemic diseases such as plague, which seriously endanger people’s health. In the 1980s, epidemiological studies on Yersinia (hereinafter referred to as Yersinia) were widely carried out in our country. Cui Fengzhu, Hou Zaiwen and other people in Ningxia and livestock and other animals have conducted a survey study, in addition to rodents in Ningxia Yersinia other pathogenic Yersinia had never been studied. In order to control and further study plague and other pathogenic yersinia diseases, based on the epidemiology of rodent plague in Ningxia, it is necessary to investigate the distribution of other pathogenic yersinia and the related ecology. 1997 to 1998 in Ningxia Haiyuan County, Yanchi County, Yinchuan City and other places were investigated and studied, the results are as follows. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Capture of rodents In the plains of Haiyuan County and Yanchi County plague natural foci and the surrounding areas and Yinchuan non-plague foci of wild and residential areas, with the bow No. 2