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初中阶段是由小学阶段向高中阶段过渡、儿童期向青年期过渡的时期。这一时期的学生无论在心理或在生理的发展上都发生了很大的变化,与儿童期有着质的不同。在心理发展上,初中学生的自觉性和独立性显著增强,但幼稚性和依赖性同时附着存在,是一个错综复杂的矛盾时期,也是一个半幼稚、半成熟的时期。在生理方面,身高增长迅速,性开始成熟,第二性征出现,并开始朦胧地意识到两性之间的关系。他们有强烈的独立愿望,然而又缺乏坚强的自控能力。因此我们既不能把他们当做“成人”,又不能把他们看成“小孩”,而是必须遵循初中生身心发展的特征,抓住初中生可塑性强这一教育的有利时机,恰到好处地对他们进行思想教育、道德伦理教育的渗透,行为规范教育和良好心理品质教育的渗透,使学生们在具体的人和事的对照、比较中树立起自己正确的人生观、世界观和价值观。 The junior high school stage is a period of transition from the elementary school stage to the senior middle school stage and the transition from the childhood period to the adolescent period. Students in this period have undergone great changes in both psychological and physical development, and have a qualitative difference from childhood. In terms of psychological development, the consciousness and independence of junior high school students have been significantly enhanced, but naivety and dependence have been attached to it at the same time. This is an intricate and contradictory period, and it is also a semi-mature and semi-mature period. In terms of physiology, height grows rapidly, sexuality begins to mature, secondary sexual characteristics appear, and the relationship between the sexes begins to be consciously aware of. They have a strong desire for independence, yet they lack a strong self-control ability. Therefore, we can neither regard them as “adults” nor can we regard them as “children”. Instead, we must follow the characteristics of the physical and mental development of junior high school students and seize the favorable opportunity for the junior middle school students to have a strong plasticity education. The infiltration of ideological education, moral and ethical education, behavioral normative education and good psychological quality education have enabled students to establish their own correct outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​in the comparison and comparison of specific people and events.
目的:考察青黛是否具有胃肠毒性。方法:大鼠按2.4、1.2、0.6 g生药/kg(约相当于临床剂量的48倍、24倍、12倍),灌胃给予青黛,每天1次,连续90天,然后停药恢复30天,观察消化道毒性反
阐述了钙质土的基本物理特性、工程地质特性、力学特性及钙质土桩基工程中的侧摩阻力及桩端阻力问题,反映了我国在该领域的最新研究进展。 The basic physical characteristi
以小球藻(Chlorella sorokiniana)为研究对象,考察了不同的培养基,不同的氮源,氮浓度和磷浓度对其细胞生长及营养成分的影响。结果表明,小球藻细胞生长最佳培养基为BBM培养基。
患者,女,27岁,以乏力、纳差10d伴皮肤黄染5d之主诉于1989年6月5日入院。1个月前诊断为“寻常型银屑病”,一直服用“复方青黛丸”(榆林地 Patients, female, 27 years old,