凯文·劳尔(Kevin Laue)生于1990年4月13日,身高2.10米。是美国史上首位登陆NCM联赛的独臂球员,获得曼哈顿大学奖学金。2007年被《体育画报》评为“最令人感动球员”。他被选为美国残奥委员、联合国亲善大使。他的纪录片Long Shot在2012年发布。独臂一样可以热爱篮球运动,但是很难想象独臂球员能打进美国高水平篮球联赛NCAA,并且靠自己的能力站稳脚跟。当你见到凯文·劳尔之后,你才会明白没有什么是不可以的。6月19日,凯文应浙江加利利科技公司之邀来到浙江大学,和大家分享他传奇而又励志的经历。充满正能量的演讲结束后,凯文带领另外两位NCAA球员和浙大CUBA队伍来了一场激情洋溢的“三对三”公
Kevin Laue was born April 13, 1990, 2.10 meters tall. Is the first unicameter in the history of the United States to land in the NCM League and receive a Manhattan University scholarship. In 2007 by the Sports Illustrated as “the most touching player.” He was selected as a member of the United States Paralympic Committee, the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. His documentary Long Shot was released in 2012. It is hard to imagine a one-armed player playing basketball in the United States, as well as playing basketball on their own. When you see Kevin Raul, you will understand that nothing is impossible. On June 19, Kevin was invited by Zhejiang Galilee Technology Company to Zhejiang University to share his legendary and inspiring experiences. After the speech full of positive energy, Kevin led two other NCAA players and Zhejiang University CUBA team to a passionate “three pairs of three”