孩子的成长特别需要一个温馨的家。 最近,我收到一位母亲的来信,信中诉说了她原本天真可爱的孩子(3岁多),近来出现了许多毛病,吮手指、脾气暴躁甚至“说谎”等,她不知什么原因,更不知该如何教育。从信中还得知,她和丈夫近年来感情不和,经常吵闹不休,由于她情绪不好,每当发现孩子的上述毛病时心情更加烦躁,经常“使劲地打”、“狠狠地骂”。——显然,孩子产生这些毛病的主要原因就在于缺乏一个良好的家庭精神环境。 环境是影响儿童身心发展的重要因素,对于幼年儿童说来,良好的家庭环境更是他们健康成长的保证。活泼开朗、身心健康的孩子一般都是生活在温馨家庭之中的。因此,期盼孩子健康成长,一定要让孩子拥有一个温馨的家。
In particular, the growth of children need a warm home. Recently, I received a letter from a mother who was telling her naive boy (over 3 years of age) that she had recently suffered from many problems, sucking her fingers, temper or even “lying.” She did not know why. I do not know how to educate. From the letter also learned that her husband and her husband in recent years, discord, often noisy, because of her bad mood, whenever the child found the above problems more agitated mood, often “hard hit”, “fiercely scolded ”. Obviously, the main reason why children have these problems is the lack of a good family spirit environment. Environment is an important factor affecting the physical and mental development of children. For young children, a good family environment is a guarantee for their healthy growth. Lively, physically and mentally healthy children are generally living in a warm family. Therefore, looking forward to the healthy growth of children, we must let children have a warm home.