由西安石油学院计算机系和长庆石油勘探局测井公司合作研究的项目“利用测井资料绘制地质图件”的技术鉴定会,于1988年1月8日至9日在西安石油学院举行。鉴定委员会由来自厂矿院校从事石油勘探开发、测井和计算机应用的18名专家组成,并由中国石油学会测井委员会副主任、高级工程师李清超任主任委员。鉴定委员会认为: 1.研究人员应用国际上先进的克里金技术,并开发了专用软件包用于测井资料绘制等值线图。所采用的克里金估计是优于其他网格化技术的一种最佳线性无编估计。该系
The technical appraisal meeting of “Mapping Geologic Map with Logging Data”, a project jointly researched by the computer department of Xi’an Petroleum Institute and Well Logging Company of Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau, was held at Xi’an Petroleum Institute from January 8 to January 9, 1988. The appraisal committee is made up of 18 experts engaged in oil exploration and development, logging and computer applications from factories and mines colleges and is chaired by Li Qingchao, deputy director and senior engineer of the well logging committee of the Chinese Petroleum Institute. The appraisal committee considered: 1. Researchers applied internationally advanced kriging technology and developed special software packages for mapping contour data. The kriging estimate used is one of the best linear non-normative estimates over other meshing techniques. Department