产后避孕是一大难题。近 3 0年来 ,产后避孕技术已有很大进展 ,可供临床应用。本文涉及的“产后”与产科学上的术语不同 ,是指分娩后 6个月内 ;如果母乳喂养 ,则指整个哺乳期[1] 。1 宫内节育器 (IUD)1 1 产后立即放置人口理事会在 1970年首先倡导产后放置IUD(post
Postpartum contraception is a big problem. In the recent 30 years, postpartum contraception technology has made great progress and is available for clinical application. The term “postpartum” in this article differs from the terminology used in obstetrics in terms of 6 months after delivery; in the case of breastfeeding, the entire lactation period [1]. 1 IUD 1 1 Population Immediately After Birth The Governing Council first advocated post-natal IUD placement in 1970