一、研究动机与目的随着互联网在中国的日益普及,互联网逐渐成为人们日常获取新闻资讯的重要途径,网络新闻成为网民使用率最高、增长速度最快的互联网服务项目之一。而另一方面,随着以“信息”和“知识”作为社会发展核心要素的“网络社会”的崛起,网络空间中的信息传播与人际互动越来越成为当今社会新的生产方式与生活方式(曼纽尔·卡斯特,2001),网站用户数量的剧增,用户的信息需求各不相同,且个性化意识及主动参与到信息服务中的积极性不断增强,从而对网站信息的使用要求也越来越高(Kuniavsky M.,2003)。然而,面
First, research motivation and purpose With the increasing popularity of the Internet in China, the Internet has gradually become an important way for people to access news and information on a daily basis. Internet news has become one of the Internet service projects with the highest utilization rate and the fastest growth rate among Internet users. On the other hand, with the rise of “cyber society ” with “information ” and “knowledge ” as the core elements of social development, the information dissemination and interpersonal interaction in cyberspace have become more and more new in today’s society Mode of production and lifestyle (Manuel Custer, 2001). The number of users on the site has increased drastically and the information needs of users have varied. And their enthusiasm for personalized awareness and active participation in information services has been continuously enhanced. As a result, There is also increasing demand for the use of website information (Kuniavsky M., 2003). However, the face