Trauma is the most common cause of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea. Non-invasive rare, can be divided into two categories: one type of intracranial hypertension, often intracranial tumors, especially pituitary tumors; the other type of normal intracranial pressure, mostly in the sieve or sellar area with congenital anomalies and Shrinking lesions (probably due to ischemia) caused. Medical principles constitute another important category. This article reports a case of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea in patients believed to be associated with long-term use of cocaine inhalation, and this cause of rhinorrhea has not been reported in the past. The 34-year-old man sought medical treatment for nasal secretions and general malaise for six days. He complained of nasal secretions with salty clarity, frequent night-time contamination of the pillow, and lack of double-nasal smell. These symptoms were evident after intranasal inhalation of cocaine, Cocaine has been ingested seven times a year for the past 19 years but without a history of head injury. Check confirmed fluid from the plate area, no other signs of pathological neurological disorders, blood and culture negative, head