瘦瘦高高,戴副近视眼镜,一副弱不禁风样,体重百十余斤,穿戴朴素的实在不能再朴素了,就是这么一个人,他22岁参加信用社工作,三十年如一日,辛勤忘我工作在信用社第一线,尽职尽责,无私奉献,出色地完成了上级下达的各项任务,他就是山西省曲沃县城关信用社主任,共产党员、省劳动模范、省市金融红旗手经济师王有才同志。 三十年,他仅在家过了三个年 参加信用社工作三十年时间,王有才同志始终以社为家,兢兢业业,勤勤恳恳地工作着,他热爱本职工作胜过自己的生命、自己的家。三十年他坚持出满勤、干满点,每年平均出勤在360天以上,晚上值
Thin and tall, wearing deputy myopia glasses, a fragile style, weighing more than 100 pounds, wearing simple can not be simple, is such a person, he was 22 years old to participate in credit cooperatives, thirty years, hard Selfless work in the credit union first line, due diligence and selfless dedication, excellent completion of the tasks assigned by superiors, he is Quwo County, Economist Wang Youcai comrades. In the past 30 years, he spent three years at home alone in credit cooperatives for 30 years. Comrade Wang Youcai has always been working for the community with due diligence and diligence. He loves his own job more than himself and his own Family. Thirty years he insisted full attendance, dry full point, the average attendance in 360 days or more, the night value