1 选种与整地:玉米覆膜杂交制种应选择前茬好,地势平坦,保水保肥能力强,排水条件好,自然隔离适合的地块。最好伏秋整地,翻耙平整,无根茬杂草,蓄水保墒,春整地也要坚持地平,无根茬,墒情好,达到覆膜作业的要求。 2 播期:要适时早播,最佳时期是在地温(温床)稳定通过6℃以上时,比当地大田直播早7~10天播种,但由于自交系在抗性上一般较杂交种相对要弱,因此,不易过早,以免受冻害,同时过晚则浪费积温。
1 selection and land preparation: hybrid corn seed covering should be selected before the crop is good, flat, water and fertilizer ability, good drainage conditions, natural isolation suitable plots. The best autumn and fall preparation, turning rake smooth, without root stubble weeds, water and soil moisture, spring also have to adhere to the ground leveling, stubble, moisture is good, to achieve the requirements of laminating operations. 2 sowing date: to be timely early sowing, the best time is in the ground temperature (hotbed) stable above 6 ℃, than the local field broadcast 7 to 10 days earlier sowing, but the inbred lines are generally more resistant to hybrid relative To be weak, therefore, not too early to avoid frost damage, while too late to waste accumulated temperature.